Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal (FFM)

Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal (FFM), 2021

8.0 2021.12.08上映
Malaysia Malay Adventure,Family,Fantasy 1 Hour 40 Minutes
In Tok Dalang`s storeroom, twins Upin and Ipin, along with their friends, come across a mystical `keris` (dagger). It opens up a portal and they suddenly find themselves transported into the heart of a kingdom, which they now have to help restore to its former glory. As they look for a way to return to Kampung Durian Runtuh, they receive help from Mat Jenin, Belalang and various characters from Malaysian folklore to overcome the challenges they face on their adventure.